By Rachel Wolk | February 27, 2023

Photo Credit: UAlbany Services and Amenities
Can’t focus in your room? Need a new place to study and feel focused on your work? With midterms coming up soon, now is the time to find your favorite study spot on campus. UAlbany has a litany of options to choose from for your studying needs.
1. The University Library
The library, a classic study spot, has three floors defined by level of noise. The first floor is known as the Collaboration Zone, where you can talk with friends as you study. This zone also has very comfortable seats and computers available for you to print papers. The second floor is the Quiet Zone, where you are expected to tone down your conversations and work quietly so as to not bother others who want to work in peace. Finally, the third floor is the Silent Zone, where everyone does their work in silence and is able to focus without distractions. Whichever suits your study needs and puts you in a productive mode is up to you. The hours for the University Library are 8:30 AM-11 PM Monday through Thursday, Friday 8:30 AM-8 PM, Saturday 10 AM-5:30 PM, and Sunday 12-11 PM.
2. Campus Center Upstairs (near Damien's head)
The upstairs of the Campus Center has comfortable chairs and tables for you to work at. You can get a meal and go upstairs where it is not as active as it is downstairs. While the downstairs of the CC near the retail venues has great seating, the upstairs is a lot quieter and not as chaotic. Vending machines as well as the retail venues are not too far so you can get food or snacks while doing work.
3. Science Library
The Science Library tends to be forgotten as it is further than other places on campus. The Science Library is connected to the Campus Center with an entrance near the SEFCU bank and Baba’s Pizza. You can get food before venturing over to the library where there are convenient study rooms and tables on the upper floors of the building. There are also computer labs if you do not have access to a laptop. This library is different from the regular university library in that there are more study rooms and collaborative areas. You can get a great view of SEFCU and the football field as you are doing your work.
4. Massry Center for Business
The Massry Center for Business has rooms suitable for working alone, or with a group of friends. They block the sound coming from the hallways and there are tables and a television for your convenience. The Massry Building also has seats and tables on the basement level that you can work at, along with Morris' Café. You can study with the vision of Entry Plaza and University Hall right nearby.
5. Academic Podium Fountain
This location is only truly available during the warmer days on campus, not exactly the chilly freezing weather we are experiencing now. There are tables and chairs laid out by the fountain, a highlight of the UAlbany campus. It provides a great setting to be both in nature and focused on your academics. You can reminisce on the fountain and the beauty of the Carillon.
These study spots are perfect for those of us who get easily distracted in the dorm. It is easy to lie on your bed and take a nap rather than do work, and we have all been there. With midterms coming right around the corner, getting into good study habits and finding the right atmosphere is important– we all want that 4.0 GPA at the end of the semester.