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Crime Blotter (4/15-4/21)

By Henry Fisher | April 25, 2022

April 15 - During a traffic stop at University Drive West, University Police found a subject to be operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license. They were arrested for the same.

April 16 - During a traffic stop at Fuller Road, the UPD found a subject to be operating a motor vehicle with a suspended license. They were arrested for the same.

April 17 - The UPD received a report from an individual of damage to their property at State Quad’s Cooper Hall. The investigation is ongoing.

April 19 - A subject was found to be operating a motor vehicle while ability impaired by drugs during a traffic stop by University Police. This occurred on Center Drive West. They were arrested for the same.

April 20 - University Police responded to three fire alarm incidents caused by cooking.

April 21 - University Police responded to eight 911 and Blue Light Phone hangups, each confirmed to be accidental.


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