By Tishan Roye | January 30, 2023

Photo Credit: Tishan Roye / The ASP
You all missed campus, right? No? Understandable.
The winter break needed at least two more weeks. We all returned to this cold wintery tundra that isn't very welcoming unless you're up for a snowfight. These winter months tend to promote an atmosphere of isolation that makes it even harder to leave the comfort and warmth of that Twin XL mattress we have all grown to love. Here are some tips to defeat the winter blues that will hopefully have you making it to your classes everyday.
1. Sunlight
This should already be a crucial part of your current morning routines throughout all seasons. Sunlight helps to improve your mood by increasing your serotonin and dopamine levels, the “happy hormones” which regulate your feelings. Those hormone levels tend to be significantly low especially when it's cold out and exposure to sunlight is vastly reduced. My recommendation is to open those blinds as soon as you wake up in the mornings and get some sunlight and fresh air to keep you awake. For those of us living in the low rise buildings, privacy films can help you enjoy your daily dosage of sunlight without peeping eyes.
2. Exercise
New Year, New You? I prefer New Year, Improved You. Adding exercising to your routine will keep you fit and give you that drive to wake up in the mornings. The gyms are not the only resources on campus. Try one of the group exercises in the PE Building or a walk around Indigenous Pond (weather permitting).
3. Make plans
Go out with friends, make plans to go to the mall or ice skating, have a snow fight, or even better make a snowman to join the snowman families that are popping up all around campus. Being around people that make you happy and that you are comfortable with will influence a natural boost in your “happy hormones”. This will help both you and your friends escape the blues – a win is a win.
4. Join Clubs
Finding new interests and activities to do will force you to leave your room. It is almost impossible to count the number of interest meetings clubs hold within the first few weeks of the semester. Joining a club can also introduce you to new people who are passionate about the same things you are. MyInvolvement has a huge list of all that UAlbany has to offer, from the Human Development Club, the Club Volleyball, the Albany Student Press, and more!
5. The Lows
If you are already dealing with a surmount of low energy, just remember it's okay to not be okay. The winter months are especially hard on us with it being cold, wet, and uninviting outside. I often feel like I just want to stay inside; that's also okay. Take time for yourself and enjoy your company. If those feelings of loneliness arise, try out these tips, talk to friends, family, and let yourself rest.
T-minus 49 days until the first day of Spring.