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SA To Provide Free Emergency Contraceptives

By Vince Gasparini | September 16, 2024

After a years-long effort, the University at Albany Uptown Campus will feature a free emergency contraceptive vending machine for students, coming in October.

It’s an idea that has been in the works for at least three years, according to Student Association President Jalen Rose, who said that former Director of Disability and Health Concerns Erica Strand had also worked on securing the vending machine, along with campus organizations such as the Young Democratic Socialists of America.

Photo Credit: Mattie Fitzpatrick / The ASP

With help from donations from Plan B One-Step and Cadence OTC, Rose said SA has secured 512 tablets for the vending machine, and that they will continue to go through those organizations in order to supply it.

He also said that they were intentional in choosing where it will be placed so it can cater discretion for its users.

“It’s going to be located by the Dean’s Office in the Campus Center, so it’s more discreet,” he said. “It’s not going to be near the other vending machines; that’s to make sure that people don’t see everybody getting the Plan B and they get called out.”

The machine will provide UAlbany students with one free pill a week, which they can obtain using either their student ID or with a voucher; Rose said the limit on the pills is to prevent students from using them too often, as they are not meant to be used as a form of regular birth control.

The funding for the machine, which cost just under $10,000, came from excess funds from last semester’s budget, according to Rose, who said he was trying to avoid straining this semester’s budget.

While the current plans for the vending machine only include the Plan B tablets, it could feature other items in the future; SA already supplies students with a number of sexual health supplies, which Rose said could make an appearance in the vending machine in the future.

“We give out free pregnancy tests too, so that seems like it could be a good pairing with emergency contraceptives,” he said.

The machine may also feature supplies to combat drug overdoses, including drug tests and Narcan.

“We also give out xylazine tests, fentanyl tests, we’re probably going to have naloxone in there for overdoses, maybe condoms,” he said. “We give out a lot of free things, so honestly we can pretty much put whatever we want in there.”


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