By Angel Godfrey | February 19, 2024
President Havidán Rodríguez of UAlbany and President Anthony E. Munroe of BMCC signing the dual admission agreement.
Photo Credit: Louis Chan/Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC)
The Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) and the University at Albany have created a new program for students looking to get their bachelor’s degrees. Students jointly admitted to both schools now have the opportunity to continue at UAlbany after receiving their associates.
The program was announced on Jan. 8, 2023, and is available to those accepted into the program, requiring a 2.5 GPA and an applicable associate degree. Students will have the opportunity to transition to UAlbany where they will become full-time students.
“This dual admission agreement commits BMCC and UAlbany to a truly seamless transfer for our students,” UAlbany Vice President for Student Affairs Michael Christakis said. “By exposing dually admitted students to UAlbany services and supports while they are still enrolled at BMCC, their path to a four-year degree becomes significantly smoother, allowing them to keep their full focus on attaining their UAlbany degree.”
The benefits of participating in this program for UAlbany students include a more cost-effective opportunity to gain an Associate’s degree and credits going towards graduation as well as allowing more time for students who are unsure what career path they would like to pursue. Dual enrollment can give students access to more opportunities.
This program comes at a time when SUNY is using a $75 million transformation fund to award grants for programs between community colleges and bachelor degree-granting institutions. UAlbany is currently creating unannounced partnerships with other SUNY schools. UAlbany intends to sign dual-admission agreements with several other community colleges, especially those within the SUNY system with which we already have strong transfer relationships. More news is expected to be announced about that very soon.
“Students transferring into UAlbany will be given direction on admission, financial aid, and academic advising in addition to a UAlbany transfer transition peer mentor, a student who previously transferred to UAlbany to show them the ropes. This is important because we want that transition to be as seamless as possible,” Director of Communications and university spokesperson, Jordan Carleo-Evangelist, said. “BMCC students in the dual-admission program will have access to UAlbany advisors to help them prepare for and transition to UAlbany once they have completed their associate degree at BMCC.”
Dual Admit students who complete the program with a GPA of 3.0 are guaranteed a UAlbany Transfer Merit Scholarship along with being eligible for other financial aid benefits, considerations, and transfer scholarships.
This partnership with BMCC is the beginning of a number of programs designed to allow students to get the full extent of their education at both the community college of their choice and UAlbany. It is one of many steps SUNY has taken to make it as easy as possible for students to transfer within the system – especially from community colleges to four-year campuses.